This year, Royce Abel, Veritas Class of 2014, is entering his Senior year at the Colorado School of Mines. As he considered what he wanted to do after he graduated, he felt called to the possibility of Overseas Missions.
“Since middle school, I have wanted to be a mechanical engineer, and I always assumed that I would be. In my mind, going to another country to do God’s kingdom work there was for someone else because I was going to be a mechanical engineer. But I was very wrong. During the summer of 2020, God put it on my heart to consider overseas work.”
This past summer, Royce and a team of 5 other students spent 7 weeks in Indonesia, helping with the “Boaz Project'', using his engineering skills to help develop effective methods for preserving native fruits, particularly mangoes, while working alongside nationals.The non-profit business drives sustainable economic development through job creation for the unemployed and fair wages for farmers. Royce lived in a host Indonesian family home, as part of the language and cultural immersion program.
Royce came home full of joy at what they were able to accomplish, and particularly about the relationship he developed with his host family. In his thank you to donors, he wrote “ I found that Jesus is everything and I want to devote my life to serving him.”