Emma came to Veritas this year, and she has not only settled right in, she is a bright light and amazing addition to our community. Recently, Emma participated in the Weston Children's Business Fair hosted by Rotary club of Weston and Wayland. Initially, she didn't want to apply for this opportunity because there was a little bit of fear of performance in her. She said, "What if people think my products are not good? What if nobody buys my things? What if I mess up when I talk to my customers?" Then she prayed about whether or not to apply for this fair, and then God helped her realize, "Instead of trying to impress people, I can just pray for the people who come into my booth, so that they can feel joy and peace. If I think this way, I don't think I'll be nervous talking to my customers. As long as I can help them feel God's love at my booth, I am all set!"
This was a small and yet, such an important breakthrough moment for Emma. And sure enough, she had an amazing time (and even made $240 in sales!!). Addie from her class visited Emma's booth all the way from Bedford and cheered for her. Emma says she definitely wants to do it again next year - maybe even with her friends from Veritas!
Way to go Emma! We love that you took a brave step to trust God, try something new, and shined as an entrepreneur!
