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Real Impact - Alumni Spotlight

My childhood love for stories began at the local library. It was then fueled by middle school Writer’s Workshop, sealed in a 2019 collegiate journalism course, and implemented during my role as Student Chaplain in 2020. On track to graduate with a B.A. in Communication from Wheaton College this December, my current senior seminar has required reflection on the overlap of Communication with my vocation. This bridge is formed by the role of storytelling and psychology in ministry.

Over the past few years, the Lord has prompted my heart towards ministry at the intersection of faith, sexuality, mental health/trauma, shame, freedom, and relationships.

After graduation, I am looking to serve in areas where both my writing and interpersonal communication will proclaim this Gospel help and hope. Opportunities to partner with organizations like Naomi’s House (Wheaton, IL) and House of Cheri

th (Atlanta, GA), among many others, will allow me to work with female survivors of human trafficking and exploitation in a residential recovery setting.

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